This is a blog about growing up. “Growing up,” did someone groan? For all those who dread such realities, particularly from among an age group in their teens and 20’s that disdains such and other um, realities, let me clarify.
This is about a different sort of growing up. A ‘second’ growing up, if you wish. The transition into middle age, or ‘menopause,’ as the wise men label it. So all you youngsters, here’s something you can gladly skip, for this is for your parents – the lot that you claim refuses to grow up!
Who then, is this for? If you’ve started lingering that much longer at your image in the mirror, squinting at the receding hairline, or tried to puff up your chest in the hope that it would somehow help you fit into that 34 (worse, 32) waist-size handwashed-jeans, read on. Or if you’ve started encountering memory-loss, even if for a moment, or facing grown-up kids who talk back to you at the dinner table, or come to terms with the fact that Mallika Sherawat or Angelina Jolie can never be yours, then this one's for you.
Read on, identify, pontificate, smile. Laugh out loud, if you wish. At me, at the writing, or inwardly, half at yourself. As they say, ‘Whate-ver,’ but don’t give up, for there’s still a lot to learn, many discoveries to be made (mostly about yourself!), some more growing up to do…
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